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elmerfem Finite element software for multiphysical problems published
elogind Fork of logind daemon from systemd
elpa Eigenvalue soLvers for Petaflop Applications
elscreen-git Window manager within Emacs
elvish-dev Expressive programming language and a versatile interactive shell
emacs-git GNU editing macros (development version)
emacs-nox11-git GNU editing macros (editor, no x11)
emacs-pr-el Modified version of GNATS send-pr.el
emacs-session Session Management for Emacs
emacs-viewer-git Web frontend for your Org-files
emacs-w3m Simple w3m interface for Emacs
emacs-w3m-cvs Emacs frontend for w3m browser
email-oauth2-proxy IMAP and SMTP proxy supporting Oauth2 authentication
emerald Emerald window decorator for compiz
emerald-themes Themes for the Emerald window decorator
emirror FTP mirroring tool with nice HTML logfiles
emovix Tiny GNU/Linux distribution that plays video files when booted
end_of_eden Slay the Spire-like roguelite fully in console
engauge-digitizer Converts an image file with graph or map into numbers
enigma Puzzle game similar to Oxyd/Rock'n'Roll/Marble Madness
enigma2000 Enigma2000 is a mixing of boulder dash and sokoban
enlightenment-current The Enlightenment window manager
enlightenment-desktop All the apps associated with the enlightenment dekstop environment
enlisp An elisp interpreter based on Emacs 21.4+
entityx Fast, type-safe C++ Entity-Component system
eolie Simple Web Browser for GNOME
eor Exclusive OR bit operation to protect your files
eot Expire Old Threads
epacts Efficient and Parallelizable Association Container Toolbox
ephoto Image viewer and editor for the enlightenment desktop
epiphany Web browser for the GNOME desktop
epix Collection of batch utilities that create figures, plots, and movies
epson-inkjet-printer-escpr Epson Inkjet Printer Driver (ESC/P-R)
epson-inkjet-printer-escpr2 Epson Inkjet Printer (ESC/P-R) Driver 2
erlang-basho Erlang/OTP fork by Basho
erlang-git Concurrent functional programming language
err113 Golang linter to check error handling expressions
es40-cvs AlphaServer ES40 emulator
es40-firmware AlphaServer ES40 firmware image
esdl SDL and OpenGL library for Erlang
et Remote shell to automatically reconnect
ethtool Display or change ethernet card settings
ETL C++ template library for synfig
etoile Desktop environment built on GNUstep
etoile-services Desktop environment built on GNUstep - services
etos Efficient technology of spike-sorting
eureka1 Doom/Heretic/Hexen map editor
eventd Small daemon to act on remote or local events
ever-note-mode Refer and edit Evernote notes directly from Emacs
evilvte VTE based, highly customizable terminal emulator
evisum System Monitor for the enlightenment desktop
evolution Mail and calendar client from GNOME
evolution-data-server Libraries and services for storing addressbooks and calendars
ewm An elegant window manager
exabgp4 Userspace BGP daemon written in python
exact-image Fast, modern, and generic image processing library
exhume Monte Carlo simulation of central exclusive production
exomizer Compressor for Commodore 64 programs
exonerate Generic tool for pairwise sequence comparison
expiretable Removes entries from pf tables based on their age
exult-snapshot Open-source Ultima 7 engine
ez-pine-gpg Scripts for using gpg with pine
ezbounce Highly Configurable IRC Proxy
f1spirit Remake the Konami MSX1 classic F-1 Spirit
f2bgl Re-implementation of the engine used in the game Fade To Black
f3 Tests capacity and performance of flash media
faast Library for Fast Arithmetics in Artin-Schreier Towers
facedetect Simple face detector for batch processing
fairymax AI for playing user-defined Chess variants
fakenes Portable Open Source NES emulator
fala Simple text reader
falcons-eye2 A 3D Falcon's Eye nethack game
fallout1-ce Re-implementation of Fallout for modern operating systems
fallout2-ce Re-implementation of Fallout 2 for modern operating systems
famsa Algorithm for large-scale multiple sequence alignments
farsi-ttf Mothanna is a sans-serif like Arabic OpenType font
fasda Fast and simple differential analysis
fasm Open source assembly language compiler
fasta FASTA sequence comparison programs
fastahack Utilities for indexing and sequence extraction from FASTA files
fastaunique Sort and uniq fasta files
fastbit Efficient Compressed Bitmap Index Technology
fastcol A Free Colonization game
fastjet Software package for jet finding in pp and e+e- collisions
fastool Simple and quick FastQ and FastA tool for file reading and conversion
fastp Ultra-fast all-in-one FASTQ preprocessor
fastq-trim Lightening fast sequence read trimmer
fastqc Quality control tool for high throughput sequence data
fastrpc Protocol based on the XML-RPC which uses binary format for data
fasttree Approximately-maximum-likelihood phylogenetic trees from alignments
fastx-toolkit CLI tools for Short-Reads FASTA/FASTQ files preprocessing
fatsort FAT sorting tool
faun High-level C audio library
fbida Image viewer and editor
fbneo-latest FinalBurn Neo - the arcade game emulator (SDL2 version)
fbpager Fluxbox pager with transparency and mouse gestures
fbpanel Desktop panel with menu, pager, and other plugins
fbsd2pkg Convert a FreeBSD port framework to a pkgsrc package
fceux NES, Famicom, and Famicom Disk System (FDS) emulator
mk Subfolder