elmerfem | | Finite element software for multiphysical problems published |
elogind | | Fork of logind daemon from systemd |
elpa | | Eigenvalue soLvers for Petaflop Applications |
elscreen-git | | Window manager within Emacs |
elvish-dev | | Expressive programming language and a versatile interactive shell |
emacs-compat | | |
emacs-git | | GNU editing macros (development version) |
emacs-nox11-git | | GNU editing macros (editor, no x11) |
emacs-pr-el | | Modified version of GNATS send-pr.el |
emacs-session | | Session Management for Emacs |
emacs-viewer-git | | Web frontend for your Org-files |
emacs-w3m | | Simple w3m interface for Emacs |
emacs-w3m-cvs | | Emacs frontend for w3m browser |
email-oauth2-proxy | | IMAP and SMTP proxy supporting Oauth2 authentication |
emerald | | Emerald window decorator for compiz |
emerald-themes | | Themes for the Emerald window decorator |
emirror | | FTP mirroring tool with nice HTML logfiles |
emovix | | Tiny GNU/Linux distribution that plays video files when booted |
end_of_eden | | Slay the Spire-like roguelite fully in console |
engauge-digitizer | | Converts an image file with graph or map into numbers |
enigma | | Puzzle game similar to Oxyd/Rock'n'Roll/Marble Madness |
enigma2000 | | Enigma2000 is a mixing of boulder dash and sokoban |
enlightenment-current | | The Enlightenment window manager |
enlightenment-desktop | | All the apps associated with the enlightenment dekstop environment |
enlisp | | An elisp interpreter based on Emacs 21.4+ |
entityx | | Fast, type-safe C++ Entity-Component system |
eolie | | Simple Web Browser for GNOME |
eor | | Exclusive OR bit operation to protect your files |
eot | | Expire Old Threads |
epacts | | Efficient and Parallelizable Association Container Toolbox |
ephoto | | Image viewer and editor for the enlightenment desktop |
epiphany | | Web browser for the GNOME desktop |
epix | | Collection of batch utilities that create figures, plots, and movies |
epson-inkjet-printer-escpr | | Epson Inkjet Printer Driver (ESC/P-R) |
epson-inkjet-printer-escpr2 | | Epson Inkjet Printer (ESC/P-R) Driver 2 |
erlang-basho | | Erlang/OTP fork by Basho |
erlang-git | | Concurrent functional programming language |
err113 | | Golang linter to check error handling expressions |
es40-cvs | | AlphaServer ES40 emulator |
es40-firmware | | AlphaServer ES40 firmware image |
esdl | | SDL and OpenGL library for Erlang |
et | | Remote shell to automatically reconnect |
ethtool | | Display or change ethernet card settings |
ETL | | C++ template library for synfig |
etoile | | Desktop environment built on GNUstep |
etoile-services | | Desktop environment built on GNUstep - services |
etos | | Efficient technology of spike-sorting |
eureka1 | | Doom/Heretic/Hexen map editor |
eventd | | Small daemon to act on remote or local events |
ever-note-mode | | Refer and edit Evernote notes directly from Emacs |
evilvte | | VTE based, highly customizable terminal emulator |
evisum | | System Monitor for the enlightenment desktop |
evolution | | Mail and calendar client from GNOME |
evolution-data-server | | Libraries and services for storing addressbooks and calendars |
ewm | | An elegant window manager |
exabgp4 | | Userspace BGP daemon written in python |
exact-image | | Fast, modern, and generic image processing library |
exhume | | Monte Carlo simulation of central exclusive production |
exomizer | | Compressor for Commodore 64 programs |
exonerate | | Generic tool for pairwise sequence comparison |
expiretable | | Removes entries from pf tables based on their age |
exult-snapshot | | Open-source Ultima 7 engine |
ez-pine-gpg | | Scripts for using gpg with pine |
ezbounce | | Highly Configurable IRC Proxy |
f1spirit | | Remake the Konami MSX1 classic F-1 Spirit |
f2bgl | | Re-implementation of the engine used in the game Fade To Black |
f3 | | Tests capacity and performance of flash media |
faast | | Library for Fast Arithmetics in Artin-Schreier Towers |
facedetect | | Simple face detector for batch processing |
fairymax | | AI for playing user-defined Chess variants |
fakenes | | Portable Open Source NES emulator |
fala | | Simple text reader |
falcons-eye2 | | A 3D Falcon's Eye nethack game |
fallout1-ce | | Re-implementation of Fallout for modern operating systems |
fallout2-ce | | Re-implementation of Fallout 2 for modern operating systems |
famsa | | Algorithm for large-scale multiple sequence alignments |
farsi-ttf | | Mothanna is a sans-serif like Arabic OpenType font |
fasda | | Fast and simple differential analysis |
fasm | | Open source assembly language compiler |
fasta | | FASTA sequence comparison programs |
fastahack | | Utilities for indexing and sequence extraction from FASTA files |
fastaunique | | Sort and uniq fasta files |
fastbit | | Efficient Compressed Bitmap Index Technology |
fastcol | | A Free Colonization game |
fastjet | | Software package for jet finding in pp and e+e- collisions |
fastool | | Simple and quick FastQ and FastA tool for file reading and conversion |
fastp | | Ultra-fast all-in-one FASTQ preprocessor |
fastq-trim | | Lightening fast sequence read trimmer |
fastqc | | Quality control tool for high throughput sequence data |
fastrpc | | Protocol based on the XML-RPC which uses binary format for data |
fasttree | | Approximately-maximum-likelihood phylogenetic trees from alignments |
fastx-toolkit | | CLI tools for Short-Reads FASTA/FASTQ files preprocessing |
fatsort | | FAT sorting tool |
faun | | High-level C audio library |
fbida | | Image viewer and editor |
fbneo-latest | | FinalBurn Neo - the arcade game emulator (SDL2 version) |
fbpager | | Fluxbox pager with transparency and mouse gestures |
fbpanel | | Desktop panel with menu, pager, and other plugins |
fbsd2pkg | | Convert a FreeBSD port framework to a pkgsrc package |
fceux | | NES, Famicom, and Famicom Disk System (FDS) emulator |
mk | | Subfolder |